The NewsU courses are kicking my butt!
Ok, I feel so much better now that I got that out there and off my chest.
Initially, I wanted to ust my 3-pronged approach to say the following:
1. I learned that- I DO NOT know as much as I thought I knew about this.
2. I was surprised that -I DO NOT know as much as I thought I knew about this.
3. I would like to learn- All that stuff that I thought I knew.
However, I have decided to push past my depression and dig a little deeper into my new knowledge.
I know your excited.
1. In this course I learned a lot more about punctuation. I am an editor, and this is why I was so surprised how much I don't know. I learned to rely on AP Style a lot more than I already do.
AP Style and I are officially on BFF status!
2. What surprised me was how easy it became to navigate an AP "flow"- not as hard as it seems.
3. I would like to become more comfy using those things. you know, to just be able to KNOW more of those rules and be able to "phase out" my deep relationship with my AP Styleguide.
I actually really like the interactvie format of the News U courses- time flies when your having fun- and these courses go fast!
NewsU sounds cool, right? It is. Check it out.
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