However, I definitely learned that Twitter is not as fun when it is required.
I found that when I tweet, up to 10 times a day on average, I include photos and links and random nothingness that most people couldn't care less about but that I find quite amusing.
But when it was an assignment I formed a rather reluctant attitude that I did not expect, feeling like I "had to" tweet some stuff and include some hash tags, etc.. like it was extra work.
I enjoyed being a part of the #COMM4333 list and was surprised to see how involved the class was in participating. Despite my reluctancy, seeing the class being so involved inspired me to to throw my two-cents in as well and grace my COMM4333 class with the presence of my tweets.
I would love to know more about the specifics of Twitter, in the case of using it professionally. Tips on a prefessional Twitter account may be helpful, as well.

Tweet on, readers. Tweet on.
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